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Development: Running from Source

Linux Setup

Development Tools

Install Python 3.11 (possibly with your distro's pacakge manager)

Install Rust (stable channel)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Type "1" to proceed with installation.

Install Poetry

pipx install poetry

(On your system it could be pip, pip3 or pipx)

At this point the following commands should work:

python3 --version
poetry --version
rustup show

Clone and Run Simsapa

Clone the Simsapa repo and install Python packages.

git clone --depth=1
cd simsapa
poetry install

In the project root, enter a venv with poetry and start the app with:

poetry shell

MacOS Setup

Development Tools

Download XCode from the App Store.

Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

When the command finishes, it prints the commands to add Homebrew to your PATH under "Next steps".

Install Python 3.11

brew install python@3.11

Install Rust (stable channel)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Type "1" to proceed with installation.

Install NVM (Node Version Manager)

curl -o- | bash

Close the terminal and open a new one to reload the environment variables.

Install Node (stable)

nvm install stable

Install Poetry

pip3 install poetry

At this point the following commands should work:

python3 --version
poetry --version
rustup show
node --version

Install the sindresorhus/create-dmg tool

npm install --global create-dmg

Clone and Run Simsapa

Clone the Simsapa repo and install Python packages.

(Commands one line at a time)

git clone --depth=1
cd simsapa
poetry install

To run the app using the Python source, in the simsapa folder, enter a venv with poetry and start the app with:

poetry shell

Build the .dmg

The repo uses the pydoit task runner.

With no arguments (just doit 💥), the default task is update_build_open, which updates the repo, installs libs, builds the app, and opens the dist/ folder. doit list shows the available tasks.

In the project root folder:

poetry shell

On success, the dist/ folder should open. Double click on the .dmg file, drag the icon to Applications.

Windows Setup

Development Tools

Install Python 3.11

Download the Python 3.11 Windows Installer, use the link marked Recommended at the bottom of the page.

Make sure to check Add Python 3.11 to PATH.

Windows Install Python

It is recommended to allow Disable path length limit.

Windows Python Finished

Open a cmd.exe terminal to test:

python --version
Python 3.11.0

Install Rust (stable channel)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Type "1" to proceed with installation.

Install Poetry

Open a terminal:

python -m pip install poetry

Test the command:

At this point the following commands should work:

python3 --version
poetry --version
rustup show

Clone and Run Simsapa

Clone the Simsapa repo and install Python packages.

git clone --depth=1
cd simsapa
poetry install

In the project root, enter a venv with poetry and start the app with:

poetry shell


Environment variables can be set with a .env file is in the project root.

Recognized settings:


Print log messages as well as writing them to ~/.local/share/simsapa/log.txt


Instead of connecting to database in the user's folders, connect to the test database found in tests/data/assets/


Whether to enable work-in-progress feature which may be unstable or broken.

Editing application windows with Qt Designer

Install Qt Designer and dependencies from the distro package manager (not pip).

sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev-tools python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtquick libqt5designer5 libqt5designercomponents5

Open the .ui file in Qt Designer, in or out- of the project venv.

designer ./simsapa/assets/ui/dictionary_search_window.ui

After saving the .ui, re-generate the .py files. The Makefile target calls pyuic5.

make ui

Don't use the pip pacakges frequently recommended in tutorials (pip install pyqt5 pyqt5-tools), these are often compiled at different Qt versions, and may result in Qt Designer crashing with the following error:

...Qt/bin/designer: symbol lookup error: ...Qt/bin/designer: undefined symbol: _ZdlPvm, version Qt_5